Classification Paragraph
3M Program to Prevent Dengue Fever
Demam berdarah is dengue which distribution to human Aedes Aegpyti mosquito. This disease is dangerous vent to kill people. however the prevention is very important.. We must understand and does prevention Dengue Fever. The way of fighting Dengue Fever mosquito correctly usage is by doing remove activity of mosquito den, that is activity to fights mosquito larva in place of multiplying it by 3M program. Most of people has heard 3M program is not? this movement although very simple but very effective to fights dengue fever. This program direct breaks chain of mosquito life and grows in this clean water so prevents of dengue fever virus for our infection. There are 3 ways to prevent Dengue Fever.
That is drainage, closed, and buried.
First, doing drainage and scrubbing place of water relocation like drum, bathing tub, WC. It can be doing in once a week because cycles of mosquito life from egg, mosquito larva, pupa and adults mosquito requires time in one week. more than one week is no problem is better than it.. And when needed, spreads murderer powder to mosquito larva ( like abate) in place of water relocation which is difficult doing drainage like well and water reservoir. And also, Pays attention the place of water relocation AC, dispenser, place of rain relocation because this place often is made place to squat of mosquito.
Second, closed the place of water relocation. Like large earthenware bowl for water, reservoir. Especially in the place for saving water clean must be always closed to prevent so that place doesn't become mosquito nest cause of DBD. Don’t open place which never used whatever.
And the last, buried the things which had used . If in our house or yard there is a secondhand pail, secondhand tire, pot of plant have been unused, that is better to buried, if thrown it still become water relocation of rain and then becomes place of mosquito party. Don’t pile many things in everywhere.
In conclusion, all the ways we can to do like 3M program to make break of the life link dangerous mosquito, like aedes aegypti one of them it. prevents Dengue Fever epidemic before happened victim in area of closest you. 3M program that is do drainage and scrubbing place of water relocation, closed the place of water relocation and the last buried the things which had used. That thing must be paid attention in everywhere, in house, office, school, area, and environment place of our life because spreader DBD mosquito can stay in everywhere. 3M program is more effectively than fumigations or fogging which doesn’t comfort and get negative effect for human health.
Cause - Effect Paragraph
Why students fail in college ?
University is college which high level in education. Many student who graduated from Senior High School register in college that they want. Whatever they do, like test, photocopy of certificate, stand in line, and money. Everyone think academic title n college can help success in help, because it is important to gets job. Not all of people can school in college, so we should be thanks to God if we can school in college. We must used college as place for study in really and looking for good experience. Many student who get successful and finished in their study, even in early time. But, there is some student fail in college. In fact, many factor that caused it happened. There are 3 caused why some students fail in college.
First, some students fail in college because their academic background is weak. For example, one student might not have had an adequate mathematics course, so he fails hid university math class. Another student may not attend classes regularly because he has never learned the importance of attendance. Therefore, he may not be able to pass the test in class because he does not know the answers.
Second, because of financial problems, other students may fail university classes. For example, students who have to take jobs don’t have as much time to study. Consequently, they may fail their classes. Others may worry because they have too little money, and because they may not able to concentrate on their studies.
Finally, there are students who fail because their energies are not directed toward their classes. Some of these students are not interested in college. So they spend their days doing other things. Because other students are distracted by other activities, like parties, movies, and other. They do not study enough.
In conclusion, some students fail in college because their academic background is weak, have financial problems, and not interested in college. Because of these problem, numerous students fail in college. Fail in college in really doesn’t happen, but everyone has different situation and problem. We as young generation should be try do the best for our success in our life.
Comparison - Contrast Paragraph
Radio and Television
In modern era there are many kinds of electronic media in life. It is very important to help people in works and get information. Almost in everywhere use electronic media. For example radio and television. This things are in every place since in the past time. We can get advantages from radio and television. Some people feels television is better than radio, and some people feels radio is better that television. There are many similarity and differences between radio and television.
Radio similar with television in many ways. First, kinds of radio is the same as television. Both of them as electronic media. Television need electricity for turn on. Radio also use battery for turn on. Second, radio and television has same advantages. Radio gives many information like news, announcement about something, schedule of program, and entertainment. Similarly, television also give many information like hot new that happen in our country and other country. Many entertainment which available in television, there is talk show, sing songs program, education program, cooking program and other. Schedule of program or situation of weather also is one of advantages that we can from television. Third, radio and television same has volume and channel. Radio has some button for certain purpose, one of them is volume for control high or low of sound and channel for change to program what we want. Likewise, Television has volume to control hard or soft sound and some channel for change into our favorite program. For these reason there are 3 similarity between radio and television.
That is similarity between radio and television, now we can found thye differences between radio and television.
There are many differences between radio and television. First, radio and television different in ways of delivery. Radio just audio. We can get information if we heard sound from it. In contrast, Television is audio and visual. Beside we can heard information, we can also watch about fact, something that happen. Second, physical appearance radio is different with television. Radio is smaller than television. In television there is screen and speaker, but in radio has just speaker. Third, radio and television different in price. Television is more expensive than radio. Everyone can buy radio, but can’t television. For these reason there 3 differences between radio and television.
In conclusion, there 3 differences and 3 similarity between radio and television. Everyone has different favorite. Now depend the buyer for choose it.
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